Automated control system for a heavy-duty high-pulse generator

Sep 19, 2023 | Portfolio

Project: Development of an automated control system for a heavy-duty high-pulse generator.
Project details:

Development and implementation of a control system of the Electromagnetic Pulse Generator (EMG), to provide control of EMG and its service systems:

  • Vacuuming system.
  • Purging system.
  • High-voltage capacitor charging units.

Develop an interface for communication with the external control system.

Executed work and achieved results:

Implementation of a centralized control system to ensure the following functions:

  • Receiving and processing signals from sensors and actuators of HEMI and its service systems.
  • Issuing commands to the executive mechanisms.
  • Control of HEMI and its service systems parameters.
  • Issuing warning messages and stopping the process in case of detecting alarm parameters.
  • Automatic control of HEMI and its systems.
  • Transfer of information about the technological process to the service laptop screen.
  • Creation of the control process archive.
  • Exchange of information with an external control system.

The automated HEMI control system was developed, installed, and successfully implemented. ASA Company took part in complex tests of the prototype and performed all the commissioning works.